Kainat Felicia Norton
Kainat Felicia Norton is a lover of Nature. She is a senior teacher, retreat guide, interfaith minister, and guide in the Inayati Sufi Order. She is emerita Vice President of Ziraat, an activity devoted to joining inner cultivation and sacred ecology. She has served on the faculty of Suluk Academy. She performs internationally touring solo dance theater works in Europe, the US, Canada, Central America, and Asia. She enjoys teaching creative movement at Third Street Music School in NYC.
Kainat Felicia Norton is also co-author of the book ‘An Emerald Earth: Cultivating a Natural Spirituality and Serving Creative Beauty in Our World’, recently translated into French. She co-leads the Inayatiyya Sufi Center in New York City. Along with Muinuddin Charles Smith, PhD, she offers meditation retreats and workshops worldwide. (http://www.anemeraldearth.org).
Upcoming Programs by Kainat Felicia Norton

Emerald Earth Retreat
Also with Muinuddin Charles Smith
Emerald Earth Retreat May 2- May 4, 2025 with Kainat Felicia Norton and Muinuddin Charles Smith Come to this retreat within the renewing energy of spring in the beautiful Berkshire mountains. In this weekend retreat, we will attune to the sacred manuscript of Nature, to seeing with the eyes of Sophia, the creative feminine, to […]