
Dina Gregory

We are pleased to introduce Dina Gregory to the Abode! Dina Gregory is a teacher, storyteller, community builder, and the creative heart behind La Befana’s Table, a space dedicated to fostering connection, belonging, and shared humanity through curious conversations & storytelling. Inspired by the legend of La Befana, Dina weaves together old-world wisdom and modern […]

Gayatri Hull

Gayatri Hull has been a practicing healer and a certified Raphaelite Work practitioner for many years. She is a representative and guide in the Inayati Order and a certified retreat guide and a Shefayat and healer in the Sufi Healing Order. She is also a certified leader of the Dances of Universal Peace and has […]

Kevin Bose

Kevin’s inspiration comes from the intersection of Permaculture and Nature Connection. He has been lucky to have been a teacher and mentor of these for children and adults for over a decade, working to bring back the old relationship between humans and the natural world.  He sees this as a powerful tool not only for […]

Aimée Brodeur Johnson

Aimée was initiated by Pir Vilayat in 1985 and has lived at the Abode since 1988. She is an ordained Cheraga and a conductor in the Healing Order. She retired a few years ago from 25 years as a teacher and director of Mountain Road School in New Lebanon, New York. Her work with Tara […]

David R. Montgomery

David R. Montgomery studies the evolution of topography and the influence of geomorphological processes on ecological systems and human societies. He received his B.S. in geology at Stanford University (1984) and his Ph.D. in geomorphology from UC Berkeley (1991). His published work includes studies of the evolution and near-extirpation of salmon, fluvial and hillslope processes in […]

Peter Schein

For more than forty years Peter has been teaching math, science, philosophy, as well as writing, storytelling, juggling, and playing tennis.  He has mostly avoided a full time job to be free to go on meditation retreats. He is an interfaith spiritual guide, and has studied in Taoist, Buddhist, Jewish - and most recently - Sufi traditions.

Wahida Ashki Janice Young

Wahida Ashki Young is a Suluk Academy graduate and an ordained Cheraga in the Inayati Order and coordinator of the Universal Worship at the Abode. She is also a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and taught T’ai chi for 10 years. She has long been a student of Feng Shui. Wahida previously served in […]

Evan Thaler-Null

Evan Thaler-Null, Abode Manager of Ecology, has been working on the Abode land for the past five years. Evan moved to New Lebanon in 2012 to take over the management of the farmland at the Abode with his partner, Sarah Steadman, who grew up down the road from the Abode, the daughter of long-time Sufi […]

Yaqin Joseph Aubert

Yaqin Joseph Aubert has been studying in Sufism for more than 40 years and is a senior teacher in the Inayatiyya Order, as well as the Order’s Vice President for North America. He was a student of Pir Zia’s father, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan. Yaqin is a Cherag (minister) in the Universal Worship and has […]

Amanda Salima McCall

Amanda Salima McCall is a beloved mureed and coordinator within the Inayati Order. She is a graduate of Suluk Academy and has been consciously walking a personal spiritual path for many years. Her professional life is an outgrowth of her foundational belief that everyone deserves to be seen and cared for. This devotion to tending to the well-being of […]