Alchemy: a 1-Day 5Rhythms Waves Workshop with Joel Stanley

October 20, 2024

Date and Time Details: The Program is from 10am-5:30 on Sunday with lunch served at 12:30 pm and dinner at 6pm served to all participants.

  • $165.00 – Program Price
“Alchemy: def. concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold […] a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.”
The dream of alchemy is the dream of elevating the mundane and finding the precious sublime in what is common and everyday. Living our lives, keeping obligations and responsibilities, running routines, it is natural to want transformation, lightening, and the possibility of ascent.
Through 5Rhythms, we use dance and movement to dig into the present moment, to inhabit fully the everyday, and to allow grace, ease, lightness, and expansion to emerge, delight, and surprise us. In this one-day workshop we will discover an embodied alchemy through the 5Rhythms Wave (Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness), following its wisdom to find the golden thread woven into the fabric of our lives.

*Saturdays are open as a rest and relaxation day before the retreat. If you want to come a day before the program or stay a day after you can Register Here:

Individual Stay at the Abode