Making Friends with Life: Manifesting Loving Kindness and Compassion

with Pir Shabda Khan, Murshids(a)s Abraham and Halima Sussman and Himayat Inayati

August 22 - 25, 2024

Date and Time Details: Check in starts 4pm, extra nights before or after available

  • Single – $580.00
  • 2 Twin Beds [Shared] – $520.00
  • 3-4 Twin Beds [Shared] – $460.00
  • Commuter – $410.00
with Pir Shabda Kahn supported by
Murshid(a)s Abraham Sussman, Halima Sussman, and Himayat Inayati
August 22 Thursday Evening – August 25 Sunday Lunch
Please join us for a wonderful long weekend in late summer as we experience ways to expand our practice with loving kindness and compassion in meditation, as well as to further these qualities in our daily lives.

About the Teachers

Pir Shabda Khan

Shabda Kahn, a direct disciple of the American Sufi Master Murshid Samuel Lewis, has been practicing Sufism since 1969 and since 2001, is the Pir (Spiritual Director) of the Sufi Ruhaniat International, the lineage tracing from Hazrat Inayat Khan and Murshid Samuel Lewis. He is also the Spiritual Guide of the Dances of Universal Peace~ […]

Learn more about Pir Shabda Khan

Murshids(a)s Abraham and Halima Sussman

Halima and Abraham are senior mentor teachers in the Sufi Ruhaniat and Dances of Universal Peace.. Inspired musicians and experienced guides on the path of the Awakened Heart, they tap into the depth that comes from a lifetime of integrating spiritual practice, psychological exploration, and a love of the natural world. They travel and teach […]

Learn more about Murshids(a)s Abraham and Halima Sussman

Himayat Inayati

Himayat Inayati received the transmission of the Sufi Master Samuel Lewis in the early seventies through Sheikh Mansur Johnson. As a student he worked closely with Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan from the seventies until his death. During that period Himayat was both a teacher in the esoteric school of the Sufi Order International for several decades and its International Kefayat […]

Learn more about Himayat Inayati